Monday, September 30, 2013

Man and women are considered two wheel of the same chariot. One is dependent on the other. There should exist a mutual co-operation among them. Recently, world has seen a lot of rise in criminal activity. Sexual abuse, be it mental or physical, is a disgrace to the society. Coming from a Hindu society, I have been brought up in an environment where women are respected.
    If any danger is detected, men are willing to fight for the protection of women. Real men don’t abuse women. Women can live their life in dignity if they believe in their values. A woman should never be afraid to raise her voice against injustice. Men can fight for their rights. Co-operation is the key. Men are also contributing for the development of women empowerment. Encouraging and influencing them to achieve the higher goals of life. Developing a nation with unity must be the goal of every individual.

Women today are breaking the typical stereotype image. Apart from being a home maker, they are taking up in different fields. They have created their own path and have set an example to the society. Indira Gandhi broke the stereotype thoughts, when politics was considered a forum dominated only by men.
Similarly, Oprah Winfrey is also considered an influential person. She fought for the right of under privilege women. Women can associate with her as she herself struggled to make ends meet for her family. These are only few names. Queen Rania, J.K Rowling, Ellen DeGeneres and the list goes on. These women live life independently and created an empire of their own. They never felt a dependence on other, instead created their own path. Women should take inspiration from these women and take a lesson from their life. They are not as weak as they think they are

Women empowerment starts if everyone is willing to participate in this cause. A single awareness can give rise to a massive change. These women are not sitting idle and suffering the torture that is being targeted to them. Women friendly laws have been established for their protecting. Apart from international women’s day, women are enjoying their rights and security daily. She can walk with ease as the security system has tightened.
            Awareness program is also being held to make women alert about the current scenario of the country. Women should stand up against injustice and be strong all the way. Women participating in such programs are making their own mark in the history. Awareness is the key. By being aware, a woman can protect herself and her family from danger. Programs focusing on the well-being and protection of women must be conducted.

Education plays an important role in everybody’s life. Education guides a person from darkness to light. Women should get sufficient education so that they could be aware themselves from the changes around her. One of the main reasons society blindly follow their belief is because of illiteracy. They follow their values and belief because they believe in continuing what their ancestors left for them predecessor. They want to preserve their culture, their heritage. Women in the rural area should be given proper education so that she can protect herself from being exploited. By gaining knowledge, she can open door to many possibilities.
                        Educating the whole society is a must. A country’s development is calculated on the basis of literacy rate. Higher the literacy, higher the level of development because skilled manpower utilize the resources n build infrastructure. A country’s development is also calculated on the basis of social belief. The bad belief that are hampering they society must not be practiced. 

A woman has every right to live her life independently. She can live her life in her own terms. She can pursue any ambition she wants. The only thing she needs is the support from her family. If her family is there in every path of her way, she will definitely be motivated. Their support will act as a backbone to success.
      Today, there are several non-profit organizations around the world to help and empower women to live their life independently. These organizations mainly help women who have been neglected from their family and help them to establish their life. They are trained in several fields like handicrafts, sewing, cooking, etc. they are training them to be self-sufficient. They inspire them and build their self-esteem. They bring sunshine of hope in their life. Such women are never considered to be less or incompetent. They can live life without any regrets. These organizations are also constantly rescuing women who have been the victims of human trafficking. 

The trend of abortion is increasingly drastically. I don’t like the whole idea of killing a fetus. People should start taking precautions before doing something like that. Abortion is legalized in some of the countries as it is considered as a reproductive right but the only thing I am against is female feticide or that’s what its called. Its illegal to kill a fetus after knowing its gender. This particularly happens if the fetus is a girl.
            This particularly happens in the society where there is male dominance. A son is considered as a pride of the family. But same case does not apply to a daughter. Sons are considered as the ones carrying on the family lineage and the one who takes care of his parents in their old-age. But a girl is only considered a financial burden. A woman is pressurized to give birth to son and get rid a girl child. So, if a girl child is detected, the mother is forced to abort her child.

Human being are social in nature, they live in a society and socialize. We want association, a sense of belongingness. Nobody wants to live a lonely life. So, there are a fixed set of rules and values that everybody needs to follow. But these rules are mainly concentrated towards women.
            I can’t understand why these rules must be strictly followed by women. In the holy book of ”Ramayana”, Sita was told not to cross the holy line( laxman rekha). This can be seen as a metaphor. The holy line is actually the value of the society and women can’t go against these values. So, if a girl smokes or gets a tattoo then she is tagged as a characterless person but if same thing is done by a man, the society simply ignores it. Boys can’t get away with everything. There must be few rules that they should also follow. 

      No matter how society perceives itself as being “advanced”, there still exists a part where gender discrimination is prevalent. We can’t ignore this fact. Generally in our society, a son is given utmost priority and gets all the facilities. But a daughter is not treated like the son. The privileges given are low and freedom to express is very low.
        This condition is even worse in the rural areas. A son is sent to school and the family spares no expenses for his education. His life is valued but same does not applies to a daughter. She is left to do house chores. That’s basically how her life will be. One should understand that if you educate your son, you’ll be contributing for the family. But educate a girl; you’ll be educating the whole society. Life of a girl should not be limited to only household chores. She must also get proper education and taught to move on with her life with heads held up high. 

Today, women are proving themselves in every part of their life. A woman can take up every challenge that comes in her way. A woman apart from being a home maker can also juggle her professional life with ease. In male dominant society, woman has to continuously prove that she is as strong and determined as her male counterparts. If a woman fails on a specific job, the society wont point at her incapability’s but point at the incapability’s of women itself. So, women have to go through greater lengths to prove themselves. Women of this era are ambitious and determined. It is due to this determination, they are accepting to share equal responsibilities with their male counter parts. Be it business or in creative field, women are establishing their mark gradually. Women these days are not a force to be reckoned with. They are independent and are self-motivated. Women think of the consequences of their decision before actually taking it. This explains why our mum always refuses to let us do things that might hurt us.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Women are exquisite creation. Women in her life time have to play different roles. During that time, she adapts herself to changes around her. A women's life is similar to that of a butterfly. Life of a butterfly starts in th initial stage of egg. With right temperature, it hatches from its shell to become a caterpillar. The caterpillar then lives off by consuming leaves and it then enters into pupa stage. In this stage, the pupa receives its needed care from the cocoon it has formed around it. After the incubation stage, the pupa transforms into beautiful butterfly. The butterfly then starts its own journey. When we enter into this world, every living organism, be it animal, human or plant, is unaware of its surroundings. Even a growing child is unaware of the real world around it. With proper nurturing and protection from the family, a girl transforms herself into beautiful women.